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By June 1, 2024Park News

Hi Everyone

Well its a lovely day at Maples Country Park today.

The birds are singing and the sun is out at last.

The past few days have been wet, but not miserable.  The rain helps our grass grow greener and our lakes come alive with all the little insects that our fish feed upon.

If you love to fish, then Maples Country Park is definitely the place for you.

We have a lovely lake that is teeming with Carp, Mirror Carp, Roach and Tench but to name a few.  The best bit is – is that its only for our holiday home owners to enjoy.  We often have friendly rivalry with our fishermen and women at Maples Country Park, so why not come along and join us.

We have a variety of holiday homes for sale, which are priced to suit every budget.  From £37,995 to £54,995 you are sure to find something you will like.

Give Julie a call on 07889633250 for further details.